Project Phases
Anticipated Construction Phases and Traffic Impacts
- The project was designed to be built in five (5) basic phases with some phases having sub-phases.
- The contractor has received permission to combine some of the phases into three (3) phases to ensure timely completion.
- Part or all of some phases may be combined or may overlap to ensure timely construction.
- All construction is weather permitting and is subject to change without notice.
Phase 1 (combined with Phase 3A)
Build Eastbound Alameda Arroyo Box Culvert; Widen, Mill and Fill Eastbound Construction Zone
(Except Arroyo Crossing)
- Close Alameda Arroyo trail crossing
- Eastbound traffic maintained at 35 miles per hour through construction zone
- Eastbound traffic reduced to left lane from Spitz/N. Solano to Elks Drive/N. Triviz except in area around bridge at Alameda Arroyo trail crossing.
- Westbound traffic reduced to 35 miles per hour through construction zone
- Westbound traffic reduced to one lane near Alameda Arroyo so detour pavement can be built and to cross over traffic due to closure of area near bridge
- Once detour pavement is built, traffic will be crossed over so the existing bridge and eastbound lanes can be demolished.
- Build eastbound Alameda Arroyo box culverts
- Install temporary traffic signal at the US 70 North Main Street/Elks & N. Triviz intersection
- Mill rest of eastbound area for resurfacing to end of project
- Widen eastbound roadway
- Build US 70 eastbound lanes, sidewalk and outside curb and gutter
Estimated Duration of Phase 1: 16 weeks (4 Months)
Phase 2 (Combined with Phases 4A & 4B)
Build Westbound Alameda Arroyo Box Culvert Embankment; Storm Drainage and Manholes
- Alameda Arroyo Trail Crossing remains closed
- Build detour pavement in median
- Shift eastbound and westbound traffic across new eastbound Alameda Arroyo concrete box culvert
- Demolish existing westbound lanes over Alameda Arroyo
- Build westbound Alameda Arroyo box culvert
- Build additional storm drainage and manholes
- Install a storm drain crossing protected by temporary wall barrier
- Mill rest of westbound area for resurfacing to end of project
- Widen westbound roadway
- Build US 70 westbound lanes, sidewalk and outside curb and gutter
Estimated Duration of Phase 2: 17 Weeks (4 months, 1 week)
Phase 3 (Combined with Phase 5)
Build Storm Drain, Manholes and Alameda Arroyo Box Culvert Medians as well as Crossover Location
- Alameda Trail Crossing reopens
- Build storm drain and manholes and new median when storm drain is complete
- Build new median and remainder of medians
- Install storm drainage crossing
- Both eastbound and westbound traffic on US 70 will have left lanes closed with two lanes open
- Remove temporary detour pavement near Alameda Arroyo crossing and other crossovers
Estimated Duration of Phase 3: 6 Weeks (1.5 months)